After bugging my roommates for weeks now to have a glass of wine, I finally got what I wanted :) We're not allowed to have alcohol in the hostel, and since I work here they watch you very closely! I've been a good girl and have not had any alcohol in the hostel however I have been wanting a glass during dinner every now and again. So I promised myself, once I got a job I would treat myself (using my parents credit card) to a little celebration dinner! Pizza and a glass of wine, but not a fast food pizza place, I wanted to sit down and enjoy a yummy pizza and try some local red wine. I did just that!
And of course, documented it:
As for dining, I found out that New Zealand is not so much a tipping country. I feel like I must have known that beforehand but definitely 100% forgot. I was quickly reminded though, after I had tipped the waiter at dinner. He ran after me when I left the restaurant because I forgot my "change" on the table! So sweet and I said that was his tip and he told me that it is not common at all for that and I should keep it. Are you crazy? Could you imagine if I just took it back from him, how rude that would have been? So obviously he kept it and we went on our merry way, but yes apparently it is not a tipping country. The majority of the people only tip if their service was exceptional! Another thing to remember, when traveling anywhere! Research their ways :P
Onto working! I have another job :) one where I work to get paid haha, not for accommodations! I'm working at a Brazilian Restaurant right on the harbour, called Wildfire ( The food is amazing, I never thought I'd be able to try it because it's super expensive even with a discount. However, everyday there is a staff dinner that you can attend as long as you call beforehand. It's free and the chef cooks up platters of food for everyone to enjoy. Yes, I've been enjoying it quite often now! I don't know the exact title of the role I play in the restaurant. It's not the normal way of dining, it's sort of like a classy buffet? I don't know how to explain it. This type of restaurant is apparently common in Brazil and for about a tenth of the price according to one of the girls I work with.
Platters of food are brought around and are served to you if you want it, and you can have as much or as little as you want, as many times as you want. So part of my job is bringing around the platters and serving food, cleaning the tables, setting up the tables, taking orders (if they dine "a la carte"), ordering other people around (my favourite), running the dessert trolley, and the grunt work at the end of the shift to clean and polish the cutlery! It's a fun place to work at and I really enjoy the food. My lovely uniform is a black dress that cost me $70, but it's good quality so I'll try to take care of it and bring it back to Canada and maybe have it shortened to just above my knee. It's right in between my ankle and my knee at the moment, weird length, and without a little slit in it so walking around is extremely awkward when you can't take normal strides!
Hope everyone is having/had an amazing day. I miss each and everyone one of you so much!
Just wanted to give a shout out to my baby sister Kenzie, she just came home from a week trip in the Dominican Republic building houses :) what a kind heart, can't wait to hear all about it and see the tons of pictures she better have taken! So happy she had a safe and successful trip, love you bubba!
I got to Skype some Western lovelies :) miss you all

my goodness you have hot friends